My duplex is unlivably cold in the winter.

By jaime

So I rent a duplex, and this is my first winter here. So far its only november and already we have snow and ice and all the coldest parts of winter at our doorstep. Thing is, My place is always cold. we are getting at about 61-63 degress consistently through the night and day. We have heat, and it is on 24/7, but the single pan windows, cold air coming in through EVERY crack (I mean it, there is a breeze coming from our cupboards, lightswitches, outlets….) and sometimes I can even see my breath. My pandlord is great, He has been really wonderful about fixing and updating things as we request. But because he is so great, I want to only approach him with the problems that are his responsibility. So my question is: Am I the one who has to worry about making this place warmer? should I just settle for a space heater and thick curtains?

Edited on: Saturday, October 8th, 2011 11:44 am

One Response to “My duplex is unlivably cold in the winter.”

My response: (We welcome stories, examples, explanations, answers and a touch of your personality)


December 8th, 2010 9:04 pm

In most jurisdictions, the landlord is responsible for ensuring that the building has adiquite heat, either by improving the insulation in the unit, or replacing the heating unit with a higher BTU model.

I can understand what you’re going through though. The insulation in my apartment is poor, and I have to fight with the building management every year to increase the boiler temperatures.


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