Moving Out Charges

By Vishal

I lived in a appartment for an year. Due to a high increase in the rent after the lease comletion i steped out of the appartment. Now i received a letter from the landlord stating that i need to pay $476 as the move out charges. Which dosent include my deposite if $150, when i moved in they said they deposite will go towards the cleaning of the appartment when i move out, which i agreed to. I went ahead to talk to what are these charges for they said it was for the carpet. The carpet had normal wear and tear, and once you get it cleaned it will be back in the same shape. The appartment has horrible conditions to live, the noise barrier between the appartments are very minimal. You can hear if someone is walking on the floor above you. I just wanted to know how can i avoid these charges.

Edited on: Friday, August 27th, 2010 1:12 pm

One Response to “Moving Out Charges”

My response: (We welcome stories, examples, explanations, answers and a touch of your personality)


August 30th, 2010 12:49 am

You know you can legally dispute those charges by filing a complaint with the RPA. Its going to cost you $35 for the filing fee, but will allow you to legally dispute the charges. Otherwise, it could end up on your credit and/or be sent to collections.

The other way to dispute it would be to hire and expensive attorney, work it out with your landlord by yourself or take it to court.


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