Moved out and stuck paying rent

By amers

I was asked to sign a lease with friends in February although I intended to stay in the duplex for only a couple of months (they knew this). I inform the other leasees in June that I will be moving out in July, but that I would continue to be responible for rent/utilites through the end of August. They come to me August 25th stating they think it’s fair I pay until the end of the lease (March 2014). I inform the landlord at this point about what is going on (should have done it earlier). I ask about subleasing, and he says he would be willing to work with me.  I tell the other tenants this, then get a scathing email back saying I cannot just put a stranger into the house (never my intention, I planned to work with the landlord once I  found someone suitable). At this point, I have countinued to pay rent, but it has now been more that three months since I resided in the duplex and I cannot afford to continue paying two rents. I have contacted the landlord several times about paying a fee to get out of the lease, but he continues to say he is thinking about it. Do I have any other options?

Edited on: Monday, October 28th, 2013 11:40 am

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