Mouse infestation

By James

I have been living in our apartment for three years now. There seems to be an infestaton of mice in my apartment all of a sudden. I have spoken to maintence as well as the property manager numerous times pointing out holes in the building that the mice may be getting in and showing pictures of mice droppings and mice I have caught in traps. They said they have put traps outside, but have not come into my unit to pull appliances away from the wall and check out the situation like they said they would. They have not fixed the holes in the overhang that has rotted out either. I have caught 3 mice and two more have exscaped from the traps over the past 3 weeks. This is a huge problem and I am concerned for myself and fiance’s health. We want to move out ASAP! My question is : If we brake our lease because of thier neglect to fix the problem, would we be held responsible for any fees or the remainder of our leasse? Does Florida statue 83.51, or "Warranty of Habibility" protect us from being sued? I have pictures and documentation of a certified letter I sent to them stating our intent to vacate due to thier lack of addressing the problem. Are they in violation of any codes?


Edited on: Tuesday, October 22nd, 2013 7:38 am

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