Mortgage payments on mobile home being applied to park rent payments


Mobile homes can be purchased in this particular mobile home park in Arizona.  The person I am concerned about bought one such mobile home.  However, when checking on her "mortgage" payments she found that the park manager was applying some of her mortgage payment to the rental space of her mobile home. 

She pays $497 in monthly rent and $400 in mobile home "mortgage" payments all from the same company which is West Coast Mobile Home Parks, Inc. run by Richard Delaney, President of West Coast Mobile Home Parks, Inc.

This outfit has mobile home parks in the state of WA, OR, CA AZ and NV. Delaney sells the mobile homes in the mobile home park and charges seperate for the space rental and the "mortgage" but the mortgage is financed by West Coast Mobile Home Parks, Inc. 

Is it illegal to take money for a mortgage payment and apply it to a rental space charge even though it is run through the same company?  I would really like to know as this seems to me to be a set up to get money out of people and then rip them off of their property, etc. 

Edited on: Thursday, March 29th, 2012 2:08 pm

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