mold issues and decined health….help

By angela wiggins

i aam having problems and dont know what my rights are, i need help! for the past two plus years i have been renting an apt. over the past rental of the apt i have noticed a drastic decline in my health and watched my pet slowly decline until his health got so bad i had to put him to sleep. my history of migrainer headaches has seemed to manifest into a constant state of cluster headaches. i always feel sick and am emotionally destraught due to my physical wellbeing. i am able to feel normal and function fine outside of my home. i cant concentrate and feel as thou im going crazy. i also get bouts of dizziness and feel like my equalibrium is off. i recently had been conversating with a new on site apt. manager at my complex, and she brought up how health issues like these can be directly related to the black spore molds that i have noticed, and complained of before here. she has since had to move from here due to her health issues arrising out of her exposure to our comple. years ago the apt had the roof blow off and the complex suffered severe water damage. the manager at the time cut corners and failed to use the insurance money to properly remove the water logged insulation,etc. i have never heard of issues with reguards to health from mold . i have complained bout ceilings and floor boards growing mold again and again. the mr. fix it fixed it by painting over it. i have a bedroomm wall that repeatedly grows mold also. i had adopted a kitten after a year long battle with my last pets health resulted in his death. i had paid two seperate vets for several tests including blood work, stool, urine, and vomit tests. not an explanation one- but now ive started to notice an all too familuar set of symptoms from my new baby that were the begining signs of health issues from my loved cat prior. i have went to the apt owner and she thinks in two months she can move my home next door were they can then renovate and remove the mold plagued walls and such. i dont believe two more months of suffering to move next door into the same situation is going to be a realistic chioce for me. shed suggested to me to try and spend as much time mith family and away from the apt as much as possible to minimize my health suffering and the issues that im experiensing. i need to know leagally does she have an obligation to relocate me ,now? i understand she doesnt have any other units to aacomidate me at her other properties that are exact on the current price being paid for the rent now, but to be stuck and sick until she can fix the problem(or so she calls it)and watch my new pet decline as the last one did because i cant scrape up moneys to fund a move and deposite fee elsewhere now just doesnt seem right!!!!! please offer me guidance to my issues as i am despirate for answers and solutions before things grow worse. also i have difficulties breathing at the apt.

Edited on: Tuesday, January 18th, 2011 6:45 am

One Response to “mold issues and decined health….help”

My response: (We welcome stories, examples, explanations, answers and a touch of your personality)

Ernestine Thomas

October 15th, 2010 11:38 am

My son an his girlfriend also my grandkids moved here from chicago,they live in an apartment that smells of mold it’s in all there clothe’s that smell also the sink keep backing up my son girlfriend felled down the stairs cause one was missing and hurt her private parts ,too make a long story short they don’t want too make any wave’s because she let’s them split the rent up but my grand kids are getting sink we are from chicago, we don’t no any one else out here what should we do ! she’s also a nasty person she treathens them real bad she alway’s gets smart I realy want them too move but our hands is tied due to being unemployed ,myself what do we do??????????????????????????????????????????????????????? help the kids ages are 8yrs.old 4 yrs, old 11 mths. my son is 28 his girlfriend is 26 we are stuck ,i’ve even tried too talk too the ladie she’s gotten smart with me too ! even when they tried to move she black balled them and told peaple tthey don’t pay they rent on time but she allows them too pay it that way,so no they are stuck there she won’t let them go we are black she is mexican an all the apartments they went too are her friends because she would tell them when where who or what they went and looked at and who they talk too , also say that she had too tell that they don’t pay they rent that she’s honest! so if she is so honest then why she won’t get that mold out of the apartment ? why is there sink stoped up ?why is that stare’s not fixed infront of there door where the other day my grand daughter was going up there with out tape across it until I stoped her please H E L P me help them………..PSS lost in texas.


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