Mold issue and owner made huge hole to the wall, and no fixed it over 2 months.
By Riko7723
We are renting a 1 bedroom apartment in California.Back early 2011, we notice water leaks from our bathroom to common area, so we told Owner’s son who used to live below unit from us, and he took quick look at the bathroom and he told us, we(owner) need some fix. Sometime in last summer, again I told maintenance person to take a look and fix water damage, but again he said he is busy, he will come over once some other project is done. Never happen. Nov 2011, I wrote a letter to owner that we are having some water damage, so please check/come over/fix asap. I received a letter from owner saying, they will work on/fix the issue after they finish cleaning up different unite which next door apartment. Again we talked to couple of times with maintenance person about it, but nothing happen.
So May 2012, I wrote a letter AGAIN to owner saying, we have 2 years old son and our wall is so moldy and I am worried, need to fix right way, we are waiting from last Nov.
The maintenance person came 2 week later, he said he can fix the moldy wall, so he started cutting wall, and he saw ton of mold grow behind the wall and could see really bad water damage behind. So maintenance person called owner what to do, owner showed up and see the damage.. He asked us if we have any plan to move out or go vacation for 2 weeks or more. We don’t have any plans, so we told them so.. So owner told maintenance person to just cover up the huge hole (the hole is bigger than my son) with plastic over and he will think about something.
Now since wall has huge hole covering up with plastic, my 2 and half years old son got couple allergy reaction and pneumonia, we had to go ER, visited allergist, DR, x-ray and tested for couple times within 2 months. The doctor tested some food allergies which we already knew he has some food allergies from when he is small. But we are not sure why his allergies are all suddenly getting worse and getting pneumonia.
So we are just start searching what was wrong with our son, and one of my friend told me, can be mold from bathroom cause my son making sick.
Especially, no wall there, just huge hole (behind the wall is ton of water damage and mold), and the hole just cover with plastic and taps (taps came off, so we need to tap at least couple times a week).
We don’t have any families here, we don’t know what is our right and what to do. Please advice…
Edited on: Friday, August 17th, 2012 1:41 pm
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