
By horsekz

 I told my landlord 4 months ago that we have a mold problem, and now I am having nose bleeds and all they say is when they get the extra money they will fix it, is there anything that I can do. some is black mold

Edited on: Tuesday, October 22nd, 2013 5:04 pm

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what are my rights if i live in a home where er just fund a tone of mold in the wall of the bathroom? do i have any rights about getting it removed or simply moving and requesting my deposit back/

Edited on: Wednesday, July 31st, 2013 1:15 am

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There was a severe leak in the bathroom which caused mold to grow and invade the opposing wall from the leak. We requested that the mold be abated and request was denied… the wall with visible mold was removed/ replaced and the floor (carpet which the mold got into, as well) was cleaned, though the smell lingers. Less than one (1) month later, mold has begun to come through OTHER walls. Due to the health problems we need to break our lease and find other living accommodations. Is this a health issue that can be reported to an agency? If so, what agency? Any advise would help. FYI – location of the apartment is in the state of California. Thanks.

Edited on: Wednesday, May 22nd, 2013 4:07 pm

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