Mobile Home Park Landlord Problems PA

By Justdandi


I own my mobile home. Been in the same Park for 18 years. Never had a problem until this new guy took over Country View Mobile Home Park in East Berlin, Pa. I wanted to start a tenants association. Many people want to be part of it due to the horrible conditions here. The sewer tanks have not been pumped in at least 3 years. The landlord told the township they were just pumped in September. They have not. They are full to almost over flowing the sewer treatment plant has sludge on the sides at least 7 inches thick. We smell sewage all of the time in our homes. Our sinks and tubs are clogged. The alarms for the sewer system have had the wires cut by the landlord. He tells the tenants that they are the only ones who have complained that is a lie. I have sent him several letters. After I posted the sign to join the Tenants Association he took it down. He told me I cannot do this in a Mobile Home Park. Then he sent me a notice saying I owed 1420.00 in back rent. I have provided the cancelled checks to the magistrate and the Landlord lost the case, he has appealed it to the Common Pleas Court. Most people just pay what he says they owe so they don’t have to go to court. I own my home. I have one of the biggest lots in the community. What will happen is people figure he will see that they have paid their rent and then they don’t go to the hearing they get evicted and he takes the home and remodels it and charges for rent of the home and the lot! He has done this before in a few other parks he has owned apparently when he gets in trouble he sells the park and buys another one. Who can i call to help me? I cannot afford an attorney, plus he is now saying I owe over 2,000.00 this is not true. I don’t know who to call for help not only for my rights but the rights of all of the residents here! Someone please help us!

Edited on: Tuesday, December 11th, 2012 4:03 pm

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