mice infestation-break lease?
By taresa21
we have complained about dead animal smell in the walls of my boys bedroom for several months. finally leasing company sent exterminators who found infestation in the attic, holes in the siding where birds and mice are, urine feces ect. the company also sent out someone to measure siding. Traps with poison were set inside my house and in the attic. the externinators were very forthcoming on the issue and that the poison eats the mice from the inside out and we could ahve more dead animal smell, but to call them and they will remove it. The mice in the attic however is extensive and they said it wont ever really go away all they can do is continue to throw more poison up there. The mice are so bad that they apparently ate all 10 sticks of bait in one week and the externinators had to replace it all. They are scheduled to return each week to check and add more bait. I have no heard from the siding guy. our lease is up april 30th but we want out now, i emailed the leasing company about all these issues and asked to be let out of our lease one month early so we can have time to find another place. Can they Not let me out? is there a way out of this without penalty. Im tired of catering to exterminators and siding people every single week with no resolve. And in all reality this needs to be dealt with while no one is living here. Mice are eating thru our food poop is everywhere no matter how much i clean and the only time my kids room doesnt smell like death is when it freezes outside!
Edited on: Thursday, February 5th, 2015 12:20 pm
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