Mice and in an apartment

By Raya

I currently live in my apartment and I have been since October of 2011, I live in the building alone and have a young child. When I moved in my apartment everything was okay but slowly but surely my happiness with the apartment has drawn a very thin line, I have to constatly call the maintenance to light the pilot light right in the winter and it takes them days to come and do. One day I came inside the apartment and saw a mouse run under the stove and I do not do rodants. I told the managemtent of my apartments and they put down traps under my kitchen sink and in my pantry. Then I had a friend come over and they also saw the mouse, looked where the traps were and there was mouse droppings. I constatly have been to my apartments office about these reasons and they have not done anything about it. I am getting real frustated and can constantly hear the mouse in the walls of the apartment. The other apartments in my building looks like the people just left and maintance never came to clean after. I am about to leave my apartment.

Edited on: Saturday, February 4th, 2012 12:37 pm

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