Long term rental damage deposit

By Becca

I’ve been renting a house from my landlord for 8 years. Recently I decided to buy a house and have told him I’d be moving out. He said I would have to pay to replace the carpet which is over 8 years old. Can he do this? How long is the life expectancy of a carpet anyway? My landlord has not done periodical maintenance (painting, carpet cleaning, etc) in the time I have been renting from him. What are my responsibilities? What is considered normal wear and tear? Do I have to fill all the nail holes, etc? I’d really appreciate any help you can give me! Thanks!!

Edited on: Saturday, May 7th, 2011 12:47 pm

One Response to “Long term rental damage deposit”

My response: (We welcome stories, examples, explanations, answers and a touch of your personality)


May 10th, 2011 8:32 am

Separation anxiety? Kidding. It should be in your lease as for your responsibility as tenant. Normally a lease would require to take good care of the property and will have to report any utilities and etc to the landlords if it needs to be repaired/replaced. Also upon moving out the landlord will have the right to check out the place more like an audit. As for the life expectancy of a carpet, I can’t answer that but there should be a company/person that can estimate for it. If you need more help RPA has this option for filing a complaint. Hope this helps.


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