LIved in Apartment for 10+ years with no lease

By Erica

Hi there, I’m involved in a very unique rental situation in Los Angeles, CA. My husband’s mother rented a house over 13 years ago. It was a 1 year lease. She never lived in the house. Her ex husband (my husbands father) lived in it for a few years and then he moved out and my husband moved in (we didnt know each other at the time.) The lease was never updated to reflect this. Now we are married and thinking about the future of living in this house so we asked the landlord to add us to the lease. He refuses to do so but continually points out that we are living here illegally. He will not address much needed repairs including ceilings leaking into electrical outlets, light switches not working, and windows with holes in them. He also has since destroyed the backyard and made it into a junkyard. He says he will not clean it up. He’s also taken over our shed for his workers maintenance shop. There are people taking lunch breaks in our gated back yard. What are our rights? Do we have any?

Edited on: Thursday, March 14th, 2013 7:49 pm

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