Is this legal reasons to break a lease?

By sudha


i have a few issues i need advise on:

1. I havent got the bank details of my security dep . I started the tenancy as of 1st Sept 2011.

Can I claim back the same from the landlord for this default and if yes how should i do it? Also I was told the apartment is deleaded but am I entitled to any proof? I didnt get any if yes and what do I do about it?

2. My landlord has an exterminator come in after 1 month of us moving in. But it was useless as I still had plenty of roaches and flying bugs in the house.

A week before thaksgiving, she sms’d me (wednesday) to say she’s hired a professional exterminator and tht they would have to do a series of treatment. The first treament was to be the next day ie Thursday at 4pm.

I told her I prefer friday morning as I had no classes and it would be more convenient ( am staying with my husband and 2 kids).

She said the company was free only on thursday. What with the weather being cold and wet, I told her we preferred mornings.

No other time was available apparently. So we agreed and thought the kids and my husband can spend time at a local library. We are asians and just came to the US in August for my grad studies.

My kids and husband were told leave the house for 2 hours after treatment. On actual day they came at 5 pm and the local library closed at 6. I walked home from the T to find my family shivering in the cold outside the library. I told this to the landlord and she did not even apologize.

Is she not supposed to provide other alternatives for us???? She knew we were immigrants, didnt have fly/friends here and also no car we cud wait in.

3. Am studying in BU and the long commute from my current dwelling to the U is really tiresome. Didnt feel it in the beginning but now as classes are heavy and weather cold (again am Asian and m not used to this weather), am considering a move to someplace nearer to BU.

But i have signed a 1 year lease.

Is this legal reasons to break a lease? I spoke to the landlord and she said no you cannot break the lease as its diff to find tenant now.

Thank you.


Edited on: Wednesday, November 30th, 2011 10:49 am

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