lardlord wont return my security deposit

By Maggie

I live in the State of California and I recently moved out from my old apartment, I was in a month to month rent.  When we decided to move out I called my last landlord and adviced her I was moving out the end of the month she said ok I’m really happy with you guys and hate to see you guys leaving. So I told her by July 31 can you come  and pick up keys she agreed.  First of all she never gave me a copy if my contract which me dummie I forgot to ask for it, since we never had problems with her, she was really nice to us and we were nice as well.  Well the day came July 31 I gave her the keys back walked around the apartment and she said everything is in good condition and very clean so wait for your deposit 21 days.  Now we just received the letter saying shes entitled to keep my deposit because I never gave her a 30 day written notice and my verbal notice was not valid.  I’m really frustrated and upset because after all that work she paid us this way.  I need a legal advisor to give us the right answer if I can take her to small claims court?

Edited on: Tuesday, August 31st, 2010 10:23 am

One Response to “lardlord wont return my security deposit”

My response: (We welcome stories, examples, explanations, answers and a touch of your personality)


September 21st, 2010 7:17 pm


I’m similar kind of situation, where landlord is not returning my deposit, and making me pay large amount by demanding money for the damage that i’ve not done.
I’m soon going to go to small claims court. Let me know what is your experience.


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