How landlords qualify for what to take out of your deposit when moving out.

By Tenant

When you have been renting an apartment for several years, household appliances (stove, refrigerator, dish washers, etc.) and furniture (coach, bed, tables, carpets) are bound to wear and tear. Now, when you decide to move out, how would you know what to pay for and what is normal wear and tear? Usually, after a few a years, your couch and carpet are the first things to “look old”.

When the landlord does the final inspection on your unit before he refunds your security deposit, he usually looks for several things:

  • Are there stains on the furniture? If there are, then you’re screwed. You would have to pay for that. So beforehand, you can try cleaning these stains yourself, if it doesn’t come out, then you can hire a professional cleaner. They usually get things done and make the furniture looking new.
  • Are there broken furniture and appliances? If these are broken before you moved in, you should have reported this to your landlord beforehand. If you fail to do so, then you may be held responsible for the cost of repair or replacement.
  • Does the structure need repairs? Usually you don’t have anything to do with this. Over the years the structure is bound to have some problems, leaks in the pipes, ceiling needs replacing, etc. However, if the Landlord does prove that you have anything to do with structure breaks like burnt walls, stripped wall paper, holes in the wall, etc., then you would have to shoulder the costs.
  • Are there any unpaid bills? Pay all the bills beforehand to avoid problems.

Now, there may be times that your security deposit is not enough to pay for the cost of repairs on your apartment. In cases like this you are obliged to make additional payments to cover the cost. It is advisable that you be present during the inspection so you know how they did the inspection and not get any surprises.

Edited on: Wednesday, March 6th, 2013 12:17 am

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