Landlord won”t stop noisy tenant – I need to go to court
By D. A. Wright
My 1st fl. neighbor, for almost a year now, has a now 4yr. old, and her two stepbrothers,around 6 and 8 running loose thru the apt like wild animals. Not some days, or sometimes, but everyday – all day. It is horrendous. And I am above them. I’ve been to management(who knows that they also put up 2 illegal conversions. I have a file from 311/police calls 2 inches thick. I went to L&T and the judge gave ME a hard way to go. He said there was no harassment, or violations on the LL’s part. He said take the tenants to criminal court (like they’d go). My lease shows that I have the right to peaceful enjoyment. I don’t. There is not a place in my apartment where I can sit without the WWF wrestling going on downstairs. This goes on till 12-1am. I leave it’s happening, I come home it’s happening. I know that I am entitled to sit in my apartment with some modicum of quiet. Moving is not currently an option, and even if it were, why do I have to go. I had a beautiful, brand new apartment when I moved in here. Now it means nothing. I also suffere from depression, and this has taken a toll on me. There’s also the blasting stereo. the basketball playing, and the running all the time. It’s a big apt. with a long hall and cavernous rooms. My furnitiure actually shakes. Please offer some advice. I know the Harassment Law is in place, but where do I fit in. ThanksBy the way, I went to court for this in Oct 09. No one showed up. Becase of some other things I took a dismissal.(I had some lage medical problems)
Edited on: Monday, January 31st, 2011 1:51 am
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