Landlord wanting to evict

By mriley

We had a 6 month lease which expired in December. We had a verbal contract with our landlord that once our lease was up that we would rent on a month by month basis. As we are in the process of trying to buy a home. We have paid our rent on time and never been late. A few weeks ago our landlord came onto the property staking it out to move a trailor onto. I went outside and asked what he was doing and that is when he explained that he was going to move a trailor onto the property. He had concrete blocks which I told him he could not leave there as my kids play outside and if they got hurt it would be his responsibility. WE contacted our local town hall to see if he had requested permits to move a trailor and were told no. Well today we get e certifited letter saying that we have until March 12th to leave. That is just a month away. We have three small children and there are very few places to rent around here. What are our rights? We do not wish to continue to live here but finding housing for a family of five in a very small rural area is almost impossible. What happens if we are not out by then?

Edited on: Tuesday, February 7th, 2012 10:21 am

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