Landlord repair time

By David

I have been renting a house with 1 & 1/2 baths.  One month ago several of the tiles in the bathroom shower fell out and we notified the landlord / property manager, he came & inspected the tiles and reported the issues to the property owners.  4 weeks later they started removing the tiles for replacement and upgrade.  During this process the landlord has removed half the ceiling, 80% of the drywall in the whole bathroom, mirrors and today the bathroom sink.  At the time of this note, the landlord has no time line on when the job will be completed.  We are now without a bathroom sink and a livable shower stall.  The comment that I received was you have another one downstairs.  The all responsibility of the progress the landlord is putting on the owner.

What recourse do I have?  Who can I contact to insure I will have a safe & livable bathroom in a reasonable amount of time?

Edited on: Wednesday, February 20th, 2013 11:47 am

One Response to “Landlord repair time”

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February 20th, 2013 5:55 pm

I think your landlord is doing his job in making sure that you are going to have a safe and livable bathroom soon. As for the repair time, it really depends on the extent and complexity of the job. Since the landlord has removed half the ceiling, much of the drywall, mirrors and bathroom sink, it looks like he’s going all out on the repair and that would take time. You are lucky. Some landlords would not even bother to look at the other aspects of the bathroom and would just focus on putting back the fallen tiles. Which would you prefer? A speedy job but will mean that the issue will recur or a lengthy but meticulous job that eliminates the problem once and for all? Is the landlord doing the repair himself or is a handyman there too? Maybe you can ask the handyman for the timeline. For the meantime, use the bathroom downstairs.


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