LAndlord issues
By QHolland
My oldest son at the time had came to stay with me a coupke of days not knowing that he was in trouble with the law. Well his last known address was where i live now. The police went into my home and questioned my 15 yr old who was only 14 at the time with out a parent. They broke the frame of the door busted out a window and put a hole in my flat screen television. they also taken my youngest son’s phone. well Housing Authority told me that the landlord needs to deal with the police department on the damages. well after 6 yrs i gave my landlord a 30 day notice and he seems to want to come around the place on the 15th and the last day when i move. i tried to find some one to takle my case for the police department but had no luck. questioning a minor without an adult and handcuffing my youngest and his friend and taking items that wasnt on the warrant. damage to my television and etc. what do i do about my landlord?
Edited on: Wednesday, November 27th, 2013 4:10 am
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landlord issues
By Anonymous post
My daughter lives in Indianapolis Indiana. In what seemed like a nice apt when I visited in Dec. 2011. But now she has many problems and the landlord doesnt want to do anything. The 1st main problem is all of a sudden when it warmed up she got cockroaches. The landlord came and boomed but it did not solve the problem. She has a hole in her ceiling that the landlord put there to stop a water leak. and the pipe underneathe the kitchen sink leaks she has told the landlord many times about it but he wont come and fix it. And now she thinks her refrigerateror is going out. My question is if she fixes theys things herself can she take them off her rent? Yes she would move if she could but she can not afford to. She pays her rent every month but yet the landlord will not fix anything. I would apriciate any ideas. I live in another state and dont know what she can do resolve this landlord issues. Thank-u
Edited on: Saturday, December 15th, 2012 9:22 am
3 Responses to “landlord issues”
Mary Louise July 17th, 2012 10:39 am |
First notify landlord, in writing, of your complaints. Do all communications by certified/registered letter. That gives you a record of the timeline. Many violations can be holes in ceiling/walls. Unfinished door openings (exposed sheetrock, lathe work, and missing trim) are illegal. Dripping/leaking pipes are illegal. Installed heat registers and/or air conditioning units that don’t work are also illegal. So are broken windows and slashed screens. Landlords/property owners are liable for eliminating bedbugs and cockroaches. Try to get picture of cockroaches if you can. Inform landlord in letter you (daughter) will call housing inspector and submit complaint if items are not addressed. Make sure you have a copy for yourself and send it certified or registered so you’ll be notified he received it. Make sure you give him 30 day notice. If no action is taken by landlord within those 30 days, call housing inspector at your city hall and register your complaint if landlord ignores letter of request. You should be prepared to go to city hall and do it in person. The inspector will come to apartment unit and inspect every room. He will inspect plumbing, toilets, sinks, showers, seals, doorknobs, flooring, electrical outlets, the works. The inspector will write down all violations he finds and make it official. A copy of violations will be sent to landlord. Landlord should have his name and address posted in common area of property so inspector can send copy to him. If this contact information is not posted, it’s illegal–another violation. They will track him down and tell him he has to have that info posted somewhere on premises. They will present the list of violations in official letter form and advise him of what he must do in a certain amount of time. If he doesn’t get items repaired that were found in violation, he will be fined every day until items are fixed. He will act then and fast. It’s very costly for landlords/property owners to be found in violation because the fees mount exponentially. We went through this in Massachusetts, which is considered a tenant’s state. Don’t know how Indiana is but laws are getting strict about property and tenants. Many tenants do not know about their rights and what legal recourse they have. If you learn and use the law to aid you, it’s very empowering. I for one am tired of bully landlords who think they can do anything they want and conversely do nothing they should be doing, come and go as they please, and make our lives miserable. And we’re tenants who pay our rent every month on time! You’d think landlords would try and keep that type of tenant. There’s no accounting for stupidity. Hope this helps… |
Mendes December 17th, 2012 4:15 pm |
Hello, We always need to check Landlord history first at RPA, which is one of the best option before for all the Tenants . Landlord need to be available with tenanat at the time of any problem. Cutting the repairing charges from the rent not fair, It’s has to discuss with landlord |
Clarke December 17th, 2012 5:06 pm |
Hello, Its very difficult for an Visitor for handling this kind of situation. As one after one problem is getting arise even the landlord is not responding. My suggestion is tel the Landlord if he is not able to take action than we will be deducting the amount of money from the Rent in order to set all the things in proper manner OR either one more option is by filing a complaint with RPA, which will help in resolving this kind issue more fairly and much easier way with documentation that can be use in court as an evidence. |
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