Landlord in Violation of MD Security Deposit Codes
By Lori
I moved out by the first of September 2012. I sent the keys and a request for security deposit via certified mail. I got a letter stating the landlord was getting estimates for "damages" which amount to a small, barely-noticeable superficial burn on the kitchen countertop (i have a picture from move-out) and a pane of outer door window glass that neither me, my family, nor a guest was responsible for breaking. I reported it immediately upon returning and finding it in that condition).
I waited for the estimate. I never got one. I researched tenant law & found out that if the landlord doesn’t provide this info. within 30 days and doesn’t return the balance within 45 days, they forfeit the entire amount. I sent a 2nd request for the deposit, along with mention of the MD codes he was in violation of & only THEN received an estimate! It was a full 60 days past my move-out date & it was for above & beyond the amount of the security deposit. He got an estimate for the replacement of the entire countertop and is charging me $673 (the security deposit was $600, plus I’m entitled to interest in the amount of $54). He said he "hopes this matter is settled now". In my mind, it is FAR from settled!
I am a single mother of two minor children. The holidays are coming up. I have bills to pay. That money would REALLY come in handy. The landlord is a prominent business owner of a hardware store, no less. I have so many complaints about the way he is handling this I can’t even tell you. I want to file a complaint and try to have a mediator explain the law to the landlord because he’s obviously not taking me seriously. Any advice on how I should proceed would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you,
Edited on: Tuesday, May 21st, 2013 11:30 pm
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