Landlord ignores valet request constantly

By Deborah

The duplex I rent, is in bad need of repaires. The carpet is over 12years old and stained terribly. There is a ton of Black mole in my bathroom. Parts of the floor are soft and starting to cave in. My stove has been un-useable for 2 years and altho I keep asking my landlord for a replacement on her answering machine and letters to her, she never responds. The side door to my garage is caving in from the wet weather and can not be opened. The paint on my frontroom ceiling is chiping.
I have had 2 heart attacks since I h ave lived here which I believe could be from breathing in the toxic smells of the black mold. Landlords seem to always be protected by the law but what about the tennets? I pay 12 hundred for this mess I call home. I would love to move but am on S.S. which just covers my rent and electricy. I am stuck here and my landlady seems to know this and takes advantage of my situatoin by never responding to my request which honestly are very minimal. I can’t afford a lawyer what other choices do I have if any? I feel like I will probably just die here and she gets away with it!

Edited on: Monday, December 30th, 2013 10:31 am

One Response to “Landlord ignores valet request constantly”

My response: (We welcome stories, examples, explanations, answers and a touch of your personality)


May 26th, 2011 2:34 pm

If you believe that your landlady is responsible for the repairs under the implied warranty of habitability, you should notify her. Must specifically describe the damage and the required repairs in both the phone call and the letter. Date the letter and keep a copy to show that notice was given and what it said. When you gives notice by e-mail or fax, follow up with a letter. Keep a copy of the notice or some other evidence that it was delivered. If she doesn’t make the requested repairs and doesn’t have a good reason for not doing so, you may have a remedy. By law, a tenant is allowed to withhold (stop paying) some or all of the rent if the landlord does not fix serious defects that violate the implied warranty of habitability. You will need evidence of the defects that require repair. In the event of a court action, it is helpful to have photographs or videos, witnesses, and copies of letters informing the landlord of the problem. So, before you withholds rent, it is a good idea to check with a legal aid organization, lawyer, housing clinic or tenant program to help determine if rent withholding is the appropriate remedy.


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