Landlord has lied this hole time
By lisa
My family has been renting a house in indiana for almost 2 years now, we just recently got a knock on the door from the sheriff giving us court papers saying the house is in forecloser. This hole time she has been telling me she would sell us this house so we have been fixing it up this hole time also knowing this house was going to be ours. When my husband was finally approved for a usda home loan I called and told her and she was so excited for us and told me she will call her ex, his name is on mortgage, and have him send a payoff letter to us, her name is on title only, so we were waiting for the payoff letter in mail, but instead of a payoff letter coming, she sent us an eviction notice saying we have 30 days to move out because they were selling this house. I could not believe this so I called her but no answer, she finally text me back at said its just business and that they wanted to come in after we left so they could come strip this house of everything before the bank takes it! I made her feel so bad for doing this to us then I get a text from her ex, who we had no idea who he was, saying he wants to come and inspect the house. so we agreed on a time. well they were late and we had another apt we had to go to so we told them to meet us an hr later. well they decided to come to our house anyway while we were not home and they got out and starting walking around the property, when my babysitter seen them he told them they need to get back in the car and wait till we came home. They had a problem with this and called a sheriff, we finally got back home and seen they were already here and told them to come on in and that’s when she told me they called the sheriff, I asked why and she said cuz someone who doest live here told us to get back in our car I told them he is our bany sitter and has everu right to be here. she told the sheriff the same thing so I told the sheriff there was no problem and he left. they did a walk around of the house took some pictres and then left, then her ex text me asking if we could show proof that he was approved for the mortgage and we said yes so she typed a letter saying that if we continue paying our rent as agreed we can stay here and that we agreed to buy this home for what the pay off is
Edited on: Sunday, November 3rd, 2013 11:09 am
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