Landlord Harassment
By admin
I would like advice on what to do with a landlord. My friend is living in a 12 month lease apartment, 2 months in as of now. Recently the tenant asked the landlord to turn some music down at 10pm on a Weds night so that their child could sleep. The landlord got mad and has since retaliated. He is now calling the cops about 2-3 times a week complaining that they are making noise. The only thing is, they are sleeping when these complaints are made. The police have come to realize this, sometimes they just drive by and see that all the lights are off and that its quiet. Depending on the officer sometimes they stop by, and see that everyone is sleeping. The Police don’t much have much to say, you can tell they feel bad for the tenants. Now they have been told by the landlord that they are no longer allowed to park their 2 cars in the driveway, which is a HUGE problem since a parking ban (for snow) starts in a week. They checked their lease and there is nothing in their saying they could use the driveway, permission to do so was verbally granted to them. Also, their personal belongings have been conveniently vandalized. The most recent issue has been that sexual harassment. It seems like a no win battle. If they break their lease they won’t get their security deposit back. They don’t have the extra money to spend on an attorney. Any advice would be greatly apprecaited.
Edited on: Monday, October 27th, 2008 8:39 am
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