Landlord emotionally abusive
By Kristen
First of all, thank you to all of you that take the time to respond to these. It is a great resource!
I live in the upstairs apartment of a two family home. Below is an older, retires, never leave the house couple that owns the complex. I understand that this is their home, but they have been rude and unreasonable and have been micromanaging my lifestyle which is making it very stressful for me to live there.
About me: I am a 27 yr old professional. I pay 1400/mo for a 1.5bed, 1bath apartment and I am rarely home due to my demanding career and working out. I leave at 8am, home by 9pm, sometimes earlier. I occasionally have my fiance over (2-3 nights a week.) I traveled for work 5 nights/month, I am super clean, quiet, rarely have TV or music on.
For Thanksgiving I cooked a dinner for my fiance and his 60yr parents. We were around the apartment from 12-6. The next morning I was walking into my apartment after getting coffee and was ambushed by one of the owners. She immediate starting pointing her finger at me and yelling at me about someone jumping on thanksgiving. Which, obviously, no on was jumping. I hurried aroung a bit prior to my company coming, but definately no jumping. Second, she yelled at me that the new floors cost 12,000 dollars and i cannot vacuum them, I HAVE to use a swiffer sweaper. I bought a lightweight vacuum specifically when i moved in for hardwood.
It was very unprofessional and I starting crying because I try very hard to be respectful of them and their privacy and comfort. Is there any advice someone would have about communicating to them that they need to set up a time to talk, or call me or write me an email or letter stating their concerns? She then made a comment about how I am like their daughter, which was even more uncomfortable. I am a customer, paying them close to 17,000 dollars a year, and I just want to maintain my lifestyle. And I want to be able to cook Thanksgiving dinner.
Any advice! Anything would be WONDERFUL. Thank you so much.
Edited on: Saturday, September 17th, 2011 9:59 am
One Response to “Landlord emotionally abusive”
Shelly May 12th, 2011 3:19 pm |
That’s pretty uptight owner’s you got there. We’ll i think there’s a need of much more peaceful conversion with that. You need to tell them straight what you want in line with the lease you signed up for. If that goes on it can be pretty annoying too.. |
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