Landlord demanding money

By anonymous

I subleased a room in a townhouse in May of last year. The lease was month to month. I physically stopped living at the premises in March of this year however I still paid the rent of the months of April May and June. I turned in my 30 day notice on May 31 and I had until July 1 to have all of my belongings removed. I had all of my belongings removed the last week in June. I turned my key in the first week of July and had not heard anything from my former Landlord until today when I received an email. While I was there I got speckles of  black hair dye on the walls in the bathroom I agreed to repaint them and I did so prior to moving out. Now the landlord is attempting to charge me for the damages because she stated the paint was the wrong color however it is the paint she left out for me to use. (The bathroom is a shade of red) She is also attempting to charge me for damages to a shower curtain and a picture that were in the bathroom as well as damages to the carpet n my old room and the window.The damage to the carpet did not come from me. While I was gone she had another roommate move into the residence (into the other bedroom). Both she and the new roommate had placed furniture, a televison & containers in my room while my stuff was still there. The televison that was placed on the carpet is what caused the stains to the carpet however she is attempting to make me pay for the carpet. When I moved all of my belongings out I took pictures of everything. She is claiming I broke a window when I know for a fact I did not do so. She is also attempting to charge me for late fees regarding rent (which have already been paid) While I was living at the residence she was also my roommate and she had multiple other roommates in & out of the other bedroom/bathroom. What can I do? Would the damage to the carpet be considered normal wear and tear?

Edited on: Wednesday, June 12th, 2013 3:38 pm

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