Landlord Breach?

By glmo

I know it is hard to answer without seeing this particular lease, but any general advice would be a great help!

My landlord gave a renewal notice less than 30 days prior to the termination of my lease.  In the letter, it stated we have to give 30 days notice if I was to vacate the apartment.  Is this legal?  Did she violate the law by giving us less than 30 days notice to renew.

Further, I had inquired more than 30 days out about renewal options and they said they could not say anything until i recieved my official renewal notice (described above).  Also, after getting the letter, I asked my landlord multiple times when I need to make a decision by and she repeatedly said “a couple days before your lease runs out”


Edited on: Thursday, July 23rd, 2009 6:13 pm

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