Is this a Breach of Lease agreement, and is landlord liable?

By pat

We looked at a house Nov 4th to rent due to the fact that the house we were renting is being forclosed on.  We looked a property and told him we definately wanted the property.  He was evicting the tenant there for non-payment of rent.  Nov 15th we were served to vacate the property we were in by Dec 31st.  This worked fine since his tenant was suppose to be out Dec 10th.  We kept touch the whole time with calls/texts/emails verifying our agreement.  He texted us to switch the utilities to our name and that for cleaning and painting the rental, we could get in early.  Then there was silence.  We called and he ignored all forms of communication.  Finally Dec 15th, 6 weeks after our verbal agreement, and 5 days after the utilities were put in our names, he leaves a message that he does not think we will be good renters for the property, citing the pending eviction of a forclosed property.  He knew from the first day the situation we were in and now we have 2 weeks to be out with nowhere to go.  I have read a little of verbal agreements and since nothing is on paper, it would be considered a month to month lease.  I SAVED all texts and emails, and can print cell bill showing communication.  Is the Landlord liable in any way for breaking our lease agreement?

Edited on: Thursday, December 16th, 2010 2:03 pm

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