Is landlord responsible for high utilities?
I rent in Pa and first noticed a problem with my heat two months ago when it wouldn’t turn on and my landlord sent some awful repairmen to "fix" it. It seemed to be running a lot, but I’m not home very much and didn’t think much of it. Until I got a $175 electric bill for my tiny studio apartment with a thermostat set at 68. I spent a full day in the apartment and noticed the heat does not turn off, it just alternates between cool and warm air, constantly using my electric! Since I had already complained about the previous repairmen and they clearly didn’t fix my heat properly, I requested new repairmen. My landlord refused. I also reqested a reduction in rent for the month because it seems unfair for me to pay for his faulty heating system that was not fixed by his repairmen. He suggests I move. Is he responsible for the ridiculous bill? My bil with air condition was about $40 and a neighbor said his bill for the same size apartment kept at relatively the sane temp was $60 this month.
Edited on: Friday, January 3rd, 2014 11:45 pm
One Response to “Is landlord responsible for high utilities?”
Cindy January 31st, 2013 6:43 pm |
I’m having a similar issue. Have you gotten a resolution to your problem? |
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