Inspection before move out date
By anonymous
My landlord is inspecting my house for the deposit return on August 28th when move out date isn’t even until the 30th. Is this legal? What actions can I take to stop it? This is also heresy; I have not been notified personally of this inspection. My landlord told a former tenant who is currently subletting her room but no other tenants have been informed.
Edited on: Tuesday, February 8th, 2011 9:44 am
One Response to “Inspection before move out date”
Randy August 30th, 2010 12:54 am |
No laws are broken as long as the landlord gives proper notice before entering. Most states require 24 hour written notice prior to entering. The walk-through itself is just a formality and not included as legal right afforded to you. I doubt the landlord is trying to screw you in any way. Most likely he wan’t to do the walk-through before you start moving thus not making you stress anymore about it. Regardless of what happens, the landlord only has right to charge you for “Normal Wear and Tear.” To ensure the most refund, you should fully cooperate with your landlord. Ask him specific questions about what he would like you to do in order to ensure a full refund. He is probably coming early in order to give you a chance to correct items that you would otherwise be charged for. |
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