Initial walk through on newly leased home.

By Andrew

Hello all,

I have a couple of questions if I may.

We are renting a house in Florida, we’re scheduled to move in May 18th.

We made the mistake of signing the lease before doing an official walkthrough with the lanlord. We were told to just do it on our own and then submit the paperwork to him when we were finished.

When we were first shown the house it seemed decent enough, but when we went to do a detailed walkthrough a few days later we noticed some things wrong with it. Mostly minor things we can live with, but there is a glass table in the backyard that is shattered and several rusted metal chairs as well.

We asked to have it removed as we have children but were told "well the previous tenant didn’t seem to have a problem with it, and I think he was even going to paint it or something" and told that I couldn’t remove them.

I feel this is a major safety concern.

What, if any, recourse do I have? I know I should have insisted that the landlord be there for the walkthrough and I’ll not make that mistake in the future.

Thanks for any advice,

Edited on: Wednesday, May 15th, 2013 10:04 am

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