Implied pet fee change while under current lease agreement.
By Teri Wooley
I am currently under a lease agreement that i signed back in 2009. Within that lease agreement was a pet deposit form, which at that time i had not pets, however my manager stated once i get a pet i am to come in complete the form along with submitting the 200.00 deposit.
On 7/26/2010, i notified my manager i just aquired a cat and needed to come in and add the cat to my policy along with my 200.00 pet deposit. She then says oh, they changed that policy and now its 25.00 a month for pets. This is when i asked her if i am still under my current lease agreement which indicates i can have a pet with the deposit how can they make this change without notifying me in writting of said change since my lease is still open.
My manager called her attorney and the attorney said its an Addendum to my lease agreement, but when i lookes up the legal term of contract addendums, it states they are not valid or in effect until both parties sign the addendum.
To add to this mess, since i now have a cat under the pretense i could do so *wiith the understanding a form is to be completed and a 200.00 deposit is required* , my lease agreement expires on 7/31/2010 and i have already signed a new lease but once again there is no mention of a 25.00 pet fee per month.
I am being financially penalized for purchasing a pet under the pretense of my current lease agreement.
Any assistance you can provide would be greatly appreciated.
Teri Wooley
Edited on: Saturday, February 19th, 2011 11:41 am
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