I’m confused

By Rellik

Okay I live in southern ca. I have rented for 6 months having never rent before in my life. I am a grandma so its not like I’m a young person just starting however I do feel confused and kinda stupid with this topic

Heres my predicament…I signed a lease for 9 months which is up in July. Had a pre- move walkthrough by myself as the management would not accompany me, (she was too busy). Wrote down all my concerns on my list and even took pictures which I did show her of items requiring attention. She told me they would be addressed and she gave me my keys. I moved in later that week under the pretense that everything was taken care of which it wasnt.

After 2 months I wrote a letter addressing all my concerns again over things not being fixed. Okay today is 6 months I have seen the maintenance guy walking around with his phone in the parking lots but has not visited my apartment to fix anything. One of the tenanats below me said she has to bribe him to fix stuff for her and by- passes the "office" completely cause they wont do anything.

In the meantime I was given a 3 day notice to pay 2 months rent and late fees all inclusive. Come to find out my bank was having issues with a merger they were undergoing with another bank they purchased and getting stuff syncronized with their existing system. And one of my checks bounced. Management held on to it for a month and a week before telling me. So me wanting to make it right I drop a check into the night drop for the current rent due with a nice note saying that my bounced check and all fees incured from the problem will be there in 2 weeks, (my bank helped me fix things) and she kicks it back to me 2 days later via maintenance slipping it with a note under my front door stating she cant take it and has a 3 day notice attached also stating that now im 2 months late and it all has to be paid all inclusive which means all of it at once plus she tacked on late fees for the current rent due which was not late till she made it so.

I’m just wondering I dunno but wouldnt you at least take the one month and wait 2 weeks for the next and be good with that? I mean it seems one month is better than nothing at the time and it would help pay the complexes bills a little until your renter catches up in 2 weeks. Ya me and the bank messed up but we were making it right but now im feeling kinda taken advantage of. I hand her a money order and she sends it back…Hmm pretty funny sort of.

Oh and ya the place is still needing attention. If I had an inspector come in he would make it uninhabitable for living conditions. There are so many fire code violations it would knock your socks off plus safety and health concerns as well. I just feel kinda like maybe management kicks stuff back like that to actually incur a late fee.

Any advice or just comments?

Edited on: Wednesday, December 14th, 2011 10:02 pm

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