I have Bedbugs, Landlord Won’t Get Exterminator

By Angela M.

Two months ago, I saw my neighbors (who I didn’t know very well) move a matress out of their apartment. They were either moving out or getting rid of the bed. I haven’t seen the neighbors recently, so I believe they moved out.

Shortly after this happened, my husband and I noticed that we were getting bitten by something. Long story short, it took us some time to identify the problem as bedbugs, since the matress, box springs and all the bedding was clean. In a fit of frustration, I moved the bed away from the wall and found the outlet behind the bed crawling with bedbugs.

As soon as we realized what kind of infestation we had, we notified the office that we had bedbugs and they said they would put us on the list for the exterminator to come on Friday. We reported this on a Saturday, so we had to wait a whole week.

On Friday, the exterminator didn’t come. Speaking to the office, they now say they "are having a problem with terminex and are going to get someone out soon".

This was three weeks ago. My husband has been trying to speak with the property manager, who is never there. The only time he was there when she was, he was unable to talk to her because he did not co-sign the lease. I had to be late to work to try to talk to this woman, who won’t return my calls. I still haven’t seen her. But the people in the office are tired of looking at my husband and I. I was told that it is "impossible that bedbugs are living in the wall" and that Terminex won’t come out because "bedbugs are not roaches". I had raised my voice a little, because I’m frustrated, and bedbugs make it difficult to sleep at night. The man I was speaking with told me "I will not accept the way you are speaking to me." and walked away from me. The property manager will still not call me, nor can I leave her a voicemail if she is away.

There are bedbugs in the wall so bad, they are living in the crack between the ceiling and the wall. It looks like the wall is growing black mold. Some subcontractors came in to replace the electrical outlet in the bedroom. They saw the bedbugs and were horrified.

My husband and I are afraid to just move, because bedbugs would follow. Same thing if we sleep in the guest room. I’m not sure what to do. I tried talking to Orkin, but they said they couldn’t do anything unless the apartment complex signs off.

Edited on: Tuesday, August 16th, 2011 11:34 am

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