I have an inquiry about rent deposit policy.


On January 7, 2010 I move to a room, I Agreeing to pay a 
monthly rent of $450. That day I paid a total of $900. I have paid 
the agreed sum at the beginning of every month. On February 5, 
I paid $450; on Marsh 5, I paid $450 and so on, until October 5 
when I also paid $50.

I am planning to move with in the first week of January 2011. I 
told the person I pay rent to, that I would live on the room the 
two months I pay for on my deposit, I considered that I would 
not have to pay the $450 on November 5, and December 5, 
because I already paid it on my deposit. The person responded 
that I had the right to live on the room for one month only, 
(December) and that I had to pay $450 on November 5; arguing 
that I had already lived the first month of rent I paid for. 
I am confused. So I decided to contact an impartial and informed 
third party to know what would be the correct procedure under 
the circumstances I Just mentioned.

Edited on: Wednesday, March 23rd, 2011 6:12 am

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