I have 2 leases for 1 2bdrm house
By Derek
My Landlord is an old family friend but i feel she is a very shady person. when i first moved in july 31 2012 i signed my first lease agreement. but in august, my aunty said that she miss printed the L / A and said that she was going to retype it for me. so…. when i got the 2nd one my aunty has changed my move in date from july 31 2012 to august 22 2012 and my rent went from $1300 / month to now $1200 / month but i’m still paying $1300 / month. Is that right for her to do?? I’m an inexperienced renter and this is my 1st time renting I just need some help.
i want to move july 31 2013 but i’m afraid she wont let me. I have copies of the orginal and the new lease. What should i do when the time comes for me to move? which lease do i go by?? don’t i pay whats on the lease agreement??
Edited on: Friday, March 8th, 2013 2:45 am
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