I found out that my landlord does not own the house I have been renting from him [Pennsylvania]
By Anon
I signed a year-long lease with my landlord (I’ll call him C) back in March to rent a house. Yesterday, a guy (I’ll call him H) shows up at my house claiming that C doesn’t own the house – H does, and H wants to work something out with me to rent from him. I was exceptionally dubious, to say the least.
However, I contacted C, and got this in response:
I am very sorry that you have been subject to this issue between Hand me. I will contact my attorney first thing in the morning.H is correct he does own the house and we are attempting to workout the sale without having to sue him fro non-performance. Hisattorney has discussed this matter with my attorney and I wasunder the impression that H and his attorney were working to clearthe lien on the property. In the meantime I would rent the hosue inorder to minimize the damages that I would collect from H. I havenot heard anything that would suggest otherwise. I am verysurprised that he approached you.I am not sure what is going on. I will speak with my attorney in themorning and will circle back with you.
I have a few questions:
Do I need a lawyer? I can’t really afford one, but I can see that this could get pretty ugly pretty quickly.
Is C’s lease with me valid? Should I stop paying him rent? If the lease is void, do I have any recourse to get the rent/security deposit that I paid to him back? Can he evict me from a house he does not own?
Can H evict me, or call the police and claim that I am trespassing? Can he legally enter the house I am renting?
Edited on: Thursday, March 28th, 2013 8:41 am
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