I Experienced Negligence from Landlord

By Tamara

My husband and I gave my former Landlord a months notice that we were moving. While we were there we had several problems that were never addressed. Problems such as:

  1. Water in the basement due to the windows that were never put in. Which would cause a horrible smell throughout the house.
  2. Mice were becoming a problem
  3. Mildew was a huge concern and hazzardous to my daughters health, who has asthma.
  4. My husband also got rid of 6 bats that were in the house
  5. Front/back porch lights of the house were never put in

When we would call to address these problems we would always get the voicemail. When it was time to collect the rent he would send someone else. There were a few times that the Landlord would answer and we let him know that the rent would be late, he said that was fine. These are the main reasons for the move. We agreed to be out by the 1st of December. We started moving Nov.29 but because we couldn’t rent a truck we had to rely on 2 vehicles, which made the move twice as long. We contacted him Nov.31 and told him that we had a few more things to remove and we were cleaning house. He said that was fine and to call him when  we were finished, he would do a walk through to verify that we left the place in good condition. The next day (Dec. 1st) my husband goes over to the house we were moving from to retrieve the rest of our belongings and the Landlord had already sent his cleaning crew over there and they threw the rest of our stuff out on the street, who know when they started. People could’ve went through everything before my husband got there. When he came home and told me what had happened I decided to give him a call, of course he didn’t answer or return our phone calls. We lost a lot of Valuable things that day. Jewlery, clothes, lamps and other things.
Please let me know all the neccesary actions that should be taken.

Edited on: Tuesday, November 26th, 2013 3:58 am

One Response to “I Experienced Negligence from Landlord”

My response: (We welcome stories, examples, explanations, answers and a touch of your personality)


January 5th, 2011 11:29 pm

Im dealing with a aggressive landlord like you.
1. You have a right to quiet enjoyment. Until the lease is up the LL cant just enter the apartment wo giving you 24 hour notice.
2. If you have proof of all the problems with the habitable living show it to a lawyer. He can help you build your case.
3. Show all the medical forms of your daughters illness. The dates prove it happened while you were living there.
Next apartment change the locks and make sure you know your tenant rights. Your suppose to get the tenant rights when you move into a apartment.
4.Any witnesses to these hazardous situations let them write a statement to validate your problems.


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