I am being evicted in 10 days, have a 6 month old and need an extension to move
By need help fast
does anyone have any advice for what I posted on 03-21-11 as "NEED HELP FAST"? ANY ADVICE WILL DO, PLEASE HELP US
Edited on: Friday, November 22nd, 2013 3:18 pm
No Responses to “I am being evicted in 10 days, have a 6 month old and need an extension to move”
I am being evicted in 10 days, have a 6 month old and need an extension to move
By need help fast
I have an evictoin for 04-01-11 and there is no way i can move all of these things out by then. I don’t even get paid until 04-04-11. I have a coccygeal condition from a work related fall from september, 2009 which is the reason the house was foreclosed upon. I lost my full time job and can only work my part time job. I have a 14 year old daughter, a 13 year old son (who is autistic) and a 6 month old son. I need more time to be able to get our possessions into storage and move in with my mom. Last Friday, my mom had a stroke, which set back everything we have been doing with regard to the move. She is the primary babysitter so that my older children and I can pack up the house, hire movers and get our things into a storage unit, then move in with my mom. Now, my mom also needs supervision and I am really scared at this point. What do I do? How do I get an extension? What do I do? Please help us!!!
Edited on: Saturday, October 27th, 2012 11:38 pm
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