I am a tenant & there unauthorized persons entering the property
By Laura
We are not renewing our lease have have given required notice so a sign & lock box was put on the door. I was told I would be given proper notice for any showings. After approving one showing the next day an agent walk into the home as i got out of the shower. I was so shaken by the incident I demanded the lock box be removed & was told I would have to pay one month’s rent to do so. After my husband contact the owner of our property management he was told they would remove the lock box the following day(Friday) we went out of town & on Sunday I recieved a call from our security company about an intruder alarm. Once again someone entered the property with notice nor authorization & the keybox was not removed. Are there any legal actions I can take? I do not feel safe in this property.
Edited on: Sunday, February 24th, 2013 10:40 pm
One Response to “I am a tenant & there unauthorized persons entering the property”
Bella February 25th, 2013 6:50 pm |
Call the police and file a report. Do you have any documentation that you made that agreement with the property management regarding the lock box? You need to have everything documented so that you have enough proof in case this goes to any legal proceedings. You can also file a complaint against the management to start a paper trail and also get them to act to keep you safe. Good luck! |
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