how can this happen

By zak

I am a current college student who is moving back home for the summer. at the current place i signed a lease for a house with 3 other people for a year (starting in sept. ’08, ending in sept ’08). i did not notice this agreement to pay over the summer (my fault). but this is not the issue at hand. my landlord told us that we could sub-lease for 3 months during the summer quarter if we wish so that we would not have to pay our share of the rent, and we said that was fine and thought of it as a great idea, again this is not the main problem. the main problem came along when our landlord started showing the house to other people, she gave us proper 24hr. notice before, but then she proceeded to write-up and have 3 other tennates signing a"sub-lease" without us reasing it or consenting to it. she is then telling us that we still have to split the pay on the 1 room unrented for the summer. she THEN proceded to give us a hand signed document stating that we have to move out on june 12th, 3 months before our lease is technically up. i feel she is "double-leasing"  and just trying to make sure she gets all of the $1000/month for the summer. when i called her to try and clear all of this up, she then started to act chidlish yelling at me and saying such things like "i tried to help you out, i can’t even believe you want to talk about this" and "i’ve been busting my a*s, hauling my crying kids around, and i wont even get a thank you is bull sh*t" when i tried talking with her even further she hung up on me and won’t talk to me about it, and threatened me to break/cancel her currrent "sub-lease" agreement just to make us pay 1000 dollars. (that to me sounded like a personal, uexplicaple threat) who do i conntact about this problem, the better buissiness bureau? any tips much appreciated

Edited on: Tuesday, February 26th, 2013 2:16 am

One Response to “how can this happen”

My response: (We welcome stories, examples, explanations, answers and a touch of your personality)


June 15th, 2009 1:26 pm

The Better Business Bureua does not handle landlord/ tenant disputes. However, you have found the Agency that does. You can file a complaint with the Rental Protection Agency and they will mediate to see that your rights are met. To start the process you will need to click on the File Complaint link found at the top of this page.
Good Luck, just file a complaint and the rest should take care itself.


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