Heat & Electric bills when not living at the apartment. Any opinions or advice would be much appreciated!!
By Jeanie
lost my job and had to move for a new one. I moved out of the apartment 1 month before my lease was up but still paid the rent of the month i was not there. Since i was not living there anymore I took the gas and electric out of my name. Am I legally bound to pay these bill even when I don’t live there?
Edited on: Saturday, December 28th, 2013 10:21 pm
One Response to “Heat & Electric bills when not living at the apartment. Any opinions or advice would be much appreciated!!”
Leny May 25th, 2011 2:29 pm |
Yes, if it is stated on the lease. You can also make an arrangement with your landlord regarding that concern. |
Heat & Electric bills when not living at the apartment. Any opinions or advice would be much appreciated!!
By Jeanie
lost my job and had to move for a new one. I moved out of the apartment 1 month before my lease was up but still paid the rent of the month i was not there. Since i was not living there anymore I took the gas and electric out of my name. Am I legally bound to pay these bill even when I don’t live there?
Edited on: Friday, May 20th, 2011 11:09 am
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