By Paul
Hello, just a quick question. On 2 separate occasions, my rent was late due to the post office taking 10 days or more to deliver my check to the landlord. The landlord attached notices each time the following day the rent was due – i.e. the notice "pay in 3 days or vacate" was posted on my front door on the 6th when the rent was due the 5th. After contacting the landlord, it was agreed that the payment was late due to the post office, and the landlord agreed to waive the penalty. Now, several months later I get a bill stating that I owe them $20.00, $10.00 for each time a note was posted. Thje "bill" for $20 did not state why, nor was itemized. Now the landlord is stating that I have to pay the $20 before the 25th or I will get another "notice". Can the landlord do this? I just recieved their un-itemised bill on the 21st of March and it seems that this is not right.
Thank you.
Edited on: Thursday, March 24th, 2011 2:02 pm
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