Getting Sued by Owner
By lily_lover
Last week, I received a phone call that there would be a showing at my apartment the next day. Given that it was a one-day notice and being students, my roommate and I did some cleaning (my major worry was some dishes still stewing in the sink), and went on our merry way. The next day, we received a call from the management company saying that the agent/owner was incredibly upset and believed the apartment was unshowable. They would come by again after the weekend to inspect it again. So we spent most of our Sunday evening cleaning like fiends (up until 3am), because that was pretty mortifying.
Unfortunately, this morning while we were still in bed recuperating from staying up so late, the owner burst in, shouted that we hadn’t cleaned, that she had taken pictures, was filing a complaint, and that she’d see us before the magistrate, then swept back out despite us asking her to wait for us to come out to talk to her.
I admit to being a pretty sloppy person, and as a medical student, I’ve done some long shifts at the hospital and ended up leaving clothes on the grounds afterwards. But I honestly cleaned a bunch that night. I still intended to vacuum in the morning, but the apartment looked a lot better than it had in ages. Clothes were put away, dishes were done, garbage had been taken out, no spills or stains–I just don’t know what upset the woman so much. She didn’t even look into our rooms.
We called the management company and while the man I spoke to sounded reasonable and somewhat sympathetic, it looks like proceedings are already in place, and it sounds like we’re going to court. I’ve rented for three years before this, and have never been sued for messiness before, and honestly have no idea where this is going. Has this happened before to anyone, or am I really just a tenant from hell? Is there anything else I can do?
Thank you for any input or advice.
Edited on: Monday, April 11th, 2011 9:11 am
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