Getting my deposit back…

By B.C.

I lived in a furnished duplex for about a year and a half on a month to month lease.  I thought I had a good relationship with the landlord, but now that I’m trying to get my deposit back they are accusing me damages that I had no part in.  There were stains in the bathroom when I first moved in that I assumed were some sort of laquer or clear coating (I believed that they had renovated the place), but the landlord is accusing me putting the stains there.  Also, since I have left they have washed the sheets and mattress pad and said that while washing them that the sheets turned a reddish brown color and started to have an odor; and the mattress pad dissolved and the same color and odor appeared.  What should I do?  I didn’t have any part in these issues and the only other people in my place were their repair guy to repair the ceiling and lights damaged during the monsoon season; a cleaning lady that I had come to my place twice (it was a cleaning lady that my landlords told me about); and my parents who were out over Christmas.  How should I go about getting my deposit back?

Edited on: Friday, May 6th, 2011 9:39 pm

2 Responses to “Getting my deposit back…”

My response: (We welcome stories, examples, explanations, answers and a touch of your personality)


August 27th, 2008 12:57 pm

Oh yes the infamous deposit problems. It doesn’t take much renting experience to have your own deposit horror story. The good thing is that you can dispute it. If you don’t agree with the charges to your deposit you have every right to dispute it. The most common ways of doing this are by communicating directly with your landlord about the charges or you can file a complaint with the RPA and let the agent do the talking.


August 31st, 2008 7:13 am

All I can tell you is that the landlord must be able to show that the damage is beyond normal wear and tear. If it is normal wear and tear, you landlord has no right to charge your deposit. Get a written statement from them, then dispute that charges that are considered normal wear and tear. If they are really being jerks about, you can file a complaint. That will show them!


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