Getting deposit back.

By Krystal Leetch

After 6 months of my landlords not fixing my washing machine after time and time again I told them it was broken and I was having to take my laundry elswhere to have it done I decided to move out 2 months beofre my lease was supposed to end. I looked up all my rights before I did this and I also gave my landlords a full months notice before moving out. It was my understanding that they broke the lease considering in my lease it stated that any appliance including washing machine was the landlords responsibility, and they failed to fix it. It was also my understanding that I would be due my deposit back that I paid before I moved into the unit, I did recieve the check from them but then there was a stop payment on the check and now my old landlords are refusing to talk to me about this issue. I left the apartment in perfect condition and I understand that there would be some taken out of my deposit for carpet cleaning and that is fine, but other than that I had the apartment professionally cleaned before I left. I was a great tenant, I paid my rent always on time if not early and I never had any problems being too loud or anything like that. Im not sure what I should do, It a considerable large abmount of money and it is something I feel I am in due for. Please if any advice would be great, thank you.

Edited on: Friday, September 2nd, 2011 8:08 am

3 Responses to “Getting deposit back.”

My response: (We welcome stories, examples, explanations, answers and a touch of your personality)


September 8th, 2011 9:15 pm

Who cares you don’t deserve it. It’s karma that is biting you in the ass.


September 23rd, 2011 10:33 pm

Yeah she is pretty much a sloppy slut! Liar and cheater, she deserves the bad karma


February 17th, 2013 4:45 pm

What did she do to you guys that has made you so angry?


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