Frustrated renter, Landlord problems, Legal questions, renters Q & A
By Susan
I moved into this house because my son was not allowed to stay in the apartments that I was living in because he had a felony.
So therefore I moved into this house. The landlord is an old man who just does not listen to reason. the agreement was that he would let me movi into the house with no deposit and no first months rent if I cleaned the house up. The tenants before me were very nasty and unclean. I also offered to let my fiance’ do all the repairs so the landlord would not have to pay for anything but he brought one of his other tenants in to do repairs and spent all that money. The man that the landlord brought in here to do the repairs brought his little 2 year old and his wife in the house while he did his repairs and the little boy pulled the hose out of one of the tiolets and flooded the carpet in the bedroom that the bathroom was in and so the carpet had to be removed. The landlord was going to put that same rug back in the room after it dried and was smelly and mildewy. I told the landlord that was not sanitary. he got angry and did not put one in there. while I was in the house there are carpet tacks sticking out of the floor and so I ended up stepping on those and had to take a tetnus shot and three more antibiotic shots as well. My foot because of the rust from the nails, has caused a lot of damage to my foot. I am still seeing the doctor at the VA for that foot. I have an 8 year old grand daughter who I am raising and she sleeps in that room. I have to put my own kind of padding in that room like thick blankets and other stuff to keep her from getting stuck as well. Now the landlord wahts to put me out because of no rent. I refuse to pay him any rent until he puts carpet in that room. The carpet was fine before that man’s little 2 year old went in there aand made it a disaster. This landlord keep saying, "well it just did not work out Susan, i’m gonna have to let you go. Isn’t there something that can be done about this because he is putting me out because he failed to do his job and put the carpet in and I refuse to pay him rent!!!
WHAT CAN I DO ABOUT THIS? Then there is other things wrong with this house as well so if I could get the helth department to come and look at this then it would be a lot better.
Edited on: Monday, March 4th, 2013 3:34 am
3 Responses to “Frustrated renter, Landlord problems, Legal questions, renters Q & A”
Gary May 4th, 2011 8:44 pm |
Hello Susan. There are things you must consider in this case. First of all, You have signed the contract and the agreement prior to moving in the apartment. You are as well must pay the rent based on what is written on the contract. However, there are things you can do for you not to pay for the rent. The best advise I can give you if you have damages in your apartment that you did not cause: 1. Talk to your landlord (usually they have a rental office in the apartment complex itself) and tell them what is wrong and what needs to be fixed. 2. Next, write a letter to them explaining what is wrong and what needs to be fixed. Keep a copy for yourself. 3. If your landlord does not fix the problems, you may be able to make a legal charge against them. It will be analyzed to determine the best course of action. In most cases, a letter is sent to the business involved requesting that it respond with their position about the complaint. The unit investigates every complaint and will follow through by notifying you of the results. If you have made up your mind and you want to file a complaint you may visit this page: for you to officially report your complaint. I wish my comments could help you resolve the issues you are facing right now. Best of luck, Susan. |
Phoenix Property Management Company June 10th, 2011 2:23 am |
Just talk to your landlord and tell him to fix the will be better,if you can give him a letter specifying all the problem.You can keep a copy of that letter with yourself (as a proof).If nothing works then you can always take a legal action against him. |
Denver Property Management June 10th, 2011 5:11 am |
Try to convince as moving to court is easy but you will have to bear all expenses and it will also waste your time.Try to settle down the matter outside the court,but if you have already done that then its time to take some serious action. Property Management company |
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