Foreclosure Washington State

By kori

I have been living in a house for several years, the latest lease that has been done was August of 2012 until August 2013. I pay 750.00 a month and I have a late fee of 25 dollars after the fifth of the month. The house was foreclosed on and I sent the new owners (investment co.) the lease and the rent for Feb. as the house was sold on Jan. 18, 2013. So waiting to hear back from them, i heard nothing until this month when they called and said that my rent was late (it was) and that after the 3rd day it\’s 50 dollars and 10 dollars each additional day and asked if I got the mail in which there was a letter saying that my lease would be honored as long as I lived here and then there was, I guess a 90 day termination paper. Can they do that? Don\’t they have to honor my lease through August? and the late fee? can\’t I just send them the $ 775 as my lease states? They said that they want to raise my rent to $1300.00. I was wondering what are my rights? and how do I tell them I am going to practice my rights, if in fact I am right and they have to honor it at the price it is now under the same terms??? HELP

Edited on: Friday, October 25th, 2013 8:27 am

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Foreclosure Washington State

By kori

I have been living in a house for several years, the latest lease that has been done was August of 2012 until August 2013. I pay 750.00 a month and I have a late fee of 25 dollars after the fifth of the month. The house was foreclosed on and I sent the new owners (investment co.) the lease and the rent for Feb. as the house was sold on Jan. 18, 2013. So waiting to hear back from them, i heard nothing until this month when they called and said that my rent was late (it was) and that after the 3rd day it’s 50 dollars and 10 dollars each additional day and asked if I got the mail in which there was a letter saying that my lease would be honored as long as I lived here and then there was, I guess a 90 day termination paper. Can they do that? Don’t they have to honor my lease through August? and the late fee? can’t I just send them the $ 775 as my lease states? They said that they want to raise my rent to $1300.00. I was wondering what are my rights? and how do I tell them I am going to practice my rights, if in fact I am right and they have to honor it at the price it is now under the same terms??? HELP

Edited on: Thursday, March 7th, 2013 4:39 pm

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