Flood in apartment
By Gabriel
Simple as possible using bullets
- Apt flooded on Feb 11, from water pipe that burst above our place
- renters insurance will replace our stuff
- have been living in apt without insulation since feb 11
- area of flood has been un-useable due to lack of insulation and constant work by apartment people
- living without sheetrock on the inside of damaged area for 5 days
- apt is 1/2 cold 1/2 hot
- they offered us an opportunity to stay in a "guest" apartment, but that is extremely incovenient and we declined
- we want to break the lease and move out, only one additional month remaining on the lease
- we want our feb rent, and moving expenses paid for
- is this reasonable?
Edited on: Saturday, March 2nd, 2013 3:20 pm
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