Filing a compaint
By Elizabeth Obermeier
I’m moving out of my apartment officially May 13th. I’ve given my 30 day notice to my landlady etc. I’ve lived in this apartment for 3 and a half years in that time it has flooded two times and I’ve had a leaky window 3 times. As of now there are still wet spots in the wall and the side of the window is rusting and makes your hand smell like lead when you touch it. The maintance man was suppose to come put and complete the job over a month ago now ans has yet to do so. Out of frustration and health issues related to mold I decided I was done and going to move. Last night the landlady texted me asking if I would show the place the remaining two weeks I was there if someone wanted to see it. I told her no. I didn’t want anyone coming into my place while my stuff was still here and I was still living here paying rent. I told her she could have the place early from 18th officially 30 day notice date and could have the place empty by May 13th. She basically told me that she was going to come in to my place while I was at work ans show the apartment whether she had my permission or not b/c she was always very responsible. When i told her no it was against the law she said she disagreed but wouldn’t show it. But I don’t really believe her nor trust her. But with all those problems that apartment has and all the bad repairs, and mold I found on the wall under a painting from a patch they has "fixed" in the past. I want to know how can I inform someone or tell someone about this as I fell morally I can’t just do nothing because whoever moves in won’t know. And that is not right nor fair to that individual.
I know the goverment is suppose to come out and inspect the apartments every 5 years but I don’t think they have inspected this apartment b/c there are things that just aren’t up to code. The laundry room’s walls are rusting and covered in black mold. The building had a huge black mold spot that was finally cut out. But now rusted pipes and a hole in the building are all that is left now above people’s cars. That hole has been there for over a month. During the rain storms this past winter huge soccer ball size bubbles of water formed all over the building you could touch them and move them around with your hand.
Thanks for you time and any help you can give me.
Elizabeth Obermeier
938 S. Barrington Ave. #1
Los Angeles, CA 90049
Edited on: Sunday, September 9th, 2012 12:39 am
One Response to “Filing a compaint”
James Howard October 26th, 2011 12:59 pm |
I moved to this small ass studio apartment at 139 west 27th apartment 1 on Feburary 1 st, 2011, & the alarm goes off everyday because of cooking , my window is still broken & air gets in between the cracks ,which has been like this since before I arrived, there are two pilot eyes out on the stove, there are dips in my floor, there are cracks on my ceiling , the sink is missing a back to it & it moves when you wash up , the Dior doesn’t shut all the way. You don’t want to live here. There names are Mr. Keith Harris & Mrs. Brenda Harris and they pretend to be christians. Damn hypocrites. Help me get them |
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